Ruby posing for a picture after her nap.
Meet Ruby! Not only do we have human friends in Roosevelt, we also have a furry friend. Ruby is a seven-year-old, certified therapy dog, here to make a difference for our students. She can be found with her owner, Ms. Seals, usually in room 1230, 2850, or just walking around in the hallways. She might look a little mad, but rest assured she is very laid back. Ruby has been bringing joy to Roosevelt since last April and loves belly rubs, to be brushed, and petted.
“She loves treats and snores really loud when she’s super comfortable,” Seals said.
One thing people should know about our four-legged friend is she is food oriented. If you are eating your lunch around her, beware. Ruby will certainly eat your dropped grapes if given the opportunity; even though they are poisonous to dogs. Other common things poisonous to dogs are raisins, chocolate, onions, garlic, and gum with xylitol. Be careful when dropping your food!
“Everyone is always petting Ruby, she makes us happy,” senior, Julia Stuart said.
Ruby is here most days and is always willing to be pet. She likes to be brushed, given belly rubs, and pet on the side of her face. If you see her around the hallways, be sure to stop and say hi.
“Ruby is really here for everyone. Her future goals include working with elementary after school kids!” Seals said.